Monday, November 22, 2010


Thank you to Wendy Rossman and Jamie Keiter for working on our class library!! It is coming along nicely!

Thank you Shelly Frank for the stickers, pillows, and everything else you have sent our way!!

Thank you Jan Boese for helping out during Math and Reading!!

Thank you Rachel Smith for the digital cameras!!

Thank you all of my parents this year! I am truly blessed to have such a great group of parents.  You all go above and beyond the call of duty!

Thank you!!

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!!

Good evening,

No spelling this week!

Our fundraiser has kicked off!  Just a reminder that we do have to pay sales tax, but Sarah our consultant is making absolutely no money on this fundraiser!! She is donating her entire commission to 4th grade!! If you would like to opt out of the fundraiser you can just send your $20 for your child to attend EarthWorks.   Orders are due on Monday Nov 29th so that they can be delivered to you before Christmas!

Thanksgiving break starts Wednesday and goes through the weekend. 

Remember to be practicing those multiplication facts and reading for 20 minutes every day!  Multiplication has come to the 4th grade and it isn't going away!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Just another Marvelous Monday!

Good evening,

Today we started multiplication in math and started to work with time lines in reading. 

Our scentsy fundraiser kicks off on Thursday before and after the music program!  Please swing by my classroom before or after to get your fundraiser information and see what scentsy is all about! Scentsy orders are due no later than November 29th so that orders can be in before the Holidays! 

This weeks spelling list is

 Students need to practice
adding suffixes to words
ending in one vowel and one
begin beginning
drop dropping
skip skipping
mail mailing
sun sunny
spell spelling
hop hopping
pelling List 13 for test on Fri., Nov. 19

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day!! Remember to thank a veteran!

Good morning,

Today in reading we continued to read the "Phantom Dog" from the Ottawa Herald.  Ask your child what has happened in the last 12 chapters!  We only have 6 chapters left!

In math we are taking our math test over unit 4.  This includes: multiplication, decimals, and measuring.

I writing we continued our state reports. 

Our classroom is in dire need of stickers! We are out of stickers for planners!

Spelling test tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I need to find a fun catchy title!

Good Afternoon,

Today in reading we talked about conflict and resolution.  We read "The Bravest of Us All" to help with this concept. 
In math we talked about personal references for measurement in both the metric and standard measures.  Please also continue working with your child on the addition and subtraction of decimals.  They are getting better everyday, but still need practice. 

We continued work on our state reports today.  It was the last day to work in class on this project.  We will be giving our presentations the week of Thanksgiving Break. 

Please make sure and note the calendar at the bottom of this blog.  It has all events that are relevant to 4th grade.  :-)  The scentsy fundraiser information night is the same night as the 4th and 5th grade program.  We thought it would be easier for parents to just come to the school for one night instead of 2 separate nights.  If you have any questions or comments please let me know!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 08, 2010

Good Afternoon,

Today we talked about measurement in centimeters in math. In reading we talked about cause and effect.  We are continuing our state reports. The students will give their reports the week of Thanksgiving break. 

We have several activities coming up.  On November the 18th is the 4th and 5th grade music program.  On this day we are also kicking off the scentsy fundraiser.  It is not mandatory to do this fundraiser, you may choose to pay $20 for your child's way to EarthWorks if you would prefer that.  :-)  Sarah Christopher our Scentsy consultant has agreed to be here before the program and after the program on the 18th of November to answer any and all questions about Scentsy.  So please at least stop by and see what it is all about.  Remember the holidays are coming up and these would make great gifts!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Morning

Good Morning,

Today is going to be rather eventful.  We have the communities in schools CD recording today in the art room.  The kids have been working extremely hard at memorizing the selected song.  We also have counselor today.

I am sending home the Book-It reading log for November.  In order to earn their book-it certificate your child must read 400 minutes a month. 

There have been some slight changes to our check in procedure for coming into Garfield.  All visitors coming in to Garfield through the main doors will need to sign in and get a visitors badge between the hours of 7:30 and 3:35.  If you are dropping your child off for school in the morning, please send them into the gym from the South East gym doors.  We want to ensure that Garfield continues to be a safe place for all of our students!

Tonight there is a Title 1 Parent meeting at 6:30 in the Library.  Pat Skiles and Kim North will be sharing what it means to be a Title 1 building and will answer any questions.

Tonight is also the PTA meeting. 

Tumblebooks are available to parents and students online!  Tumblebooks provide a variety of books read to children as well as quizzes and games. Please utilize this great resource for your kids! 

Tumblereadables have books for read alouds:


Book orders are due on November 12th.

November 18th is the 4th and 5th grade music program.  We are asking parents to please come in at 5:30 to my room to learn about our Scentsy fundraiser opportunity for EarthWorks.  You can also stay after the program if this option works better for you.  We will be here for both.  J

Also Garfield PTA is now recycling CAPRI SUN drink pouches!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday November 1st

Good morning!

I hope you didn't keep your children out too late last night! (They do tell on you! Haha)  Sounds like all of the kids had a very exciting weekend.  They are very sluggish this morning but I hope it will pass by lunch time. 

In reading we worked some more with reading charts.  We talked about why charts are important and how they are a great way to convey information quickly.

In math we will be estimating with decimals.  Many of the students are still becoming flustered with decimals.  Please continue to work with them on this and help ease their uneasiness. The more they practice with decimals the more comfortable they will become. 

In social studies/writing this week we will be starting our state reports.  Each child will be assigned a state and will gather information and create a presentation for that state.  They will be given a rubric to follow.

Last week's spelling test will be given today.  I am also sending home this weeks list.  Take home task is do as always on Thursday.

Please remember that candy is to stay home.  My students are sweet enough with out it! :-) 

Book orders are due on November 12th.

pelling List 11 for test on Fri., Nov. 5sst do/nots let/uss it/isll he/willve they/have
Students will be tested
on contractions. Here are
some examples:
See if your child can find contractions

make up that contraction.