Thursday, May 19, 2011

The last day....

Today was bitter sweet. There were tears, laughs and even chocolate chip pancakes.

As I look back at this year I do nothing but smile. Each and everyone of my students felt like my own child. They have grown and matured so much.

I think back to one of my students starting the year so quiet and shy. Today she was laughing and giggling and having a great time.

A couple of others were so frustrated with math that they would be in tears. Last week they came up to me and showed me how they had done it on their own.

My rough and tumble boys that would bicker and fight gave me a challenge, but they always stuck up for each other on the playground.

I will never forget my two that were stuck together the first month of school because they couldn't get along.  Though the last few days of school they were back to bickering, they actually enjoyed each others company most of the year.

Then there was my "the answer is ninja!" As he struck a pose. That will always make me laugh.

This group is so dear to my heart. They have been a joy to get to know. Not only have the kids been great, but I have amazing parents this year. Thank you for all of your help both at  home with your child and at school with me.

I hope everyone's summer is marvelous and on the bright side I will have some of you again next year!  Love you all!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pet Show and Tell

Monday 5/16
8:15 Makayla
8:25 Molly
8:35 Isaac
8:45 Bayleigh
10:25 Chris
10:35 Susie
10:45 Ryan
1:40 Sean
1:50 Westen
3:20 Nikki

Tuesday 5/17
8:15 Moriah
9:05 Payton
10:15 Amaya
10:25 Jeremaih
11:35 Aidan
3:20 Rami

Wednesday 5/18
10:45 Katie
2:40 Regan

Thursday, May 12, 2011

5.5 Days! Boy has this year gone fast!

Good morning!

There are many different items going on these next few days!  Be checking your child's planner daily.

5/13 AM  Gaming Party.  Students can bring board games, hand held games, wii games.  I will bring in my wii for the kids to play Just Dance and Guitar Hero.  Any games that the kids bring in need to be rated E for everyone.  I will lock their games in my cabinet so that they are not in lockers.

5/13 2pm State Assessment Recognition assembly.  The tickets will be drawn for prizes.

5/16-5/18 Pet Show and Tell.  I will be sending home the schedule tomorrow for this.  I will also post it here.  If you have not sent in your preferred times please do so by tomorrow morning.

5/16  2pm  Outside assembly for students who scored exemplary and had the best effort.  Everyone will attend.  The Big Kahuna will be here. 

5/17 1:30pm 5th Grade Promotion.  4th graders will watch so they know what is expected of them next year.  Honors Choir is also singing at Promotion.  If your child is an Honors Choir student please have them wear their shirt to school.

5/18 Field Day Make sure you wear Tennis Shoes and Shorts

5/19 Movie and Pancakes.  If you would like to help me with this in the morning please contact me asap.  I have 1 volunteer so far.  We will also be cleaning out lockers and getting ready to leave for the summer.  Students will get their yearbooks on this day.  Noon dissmissal.  NO lunch served. Please send bags with your student so they can bring home everything out of their lockers. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday! Only 12.5 Days of school left and tons to do!

Dairy Queen will not be back open in time for our outting. So our class made suggestions for a different party and revoted.  They chose to watch The Karate Kid with Jaden Smith. 

12-year-old Dre Parker could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts "the karate kid" on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life. Written by Columbia Pictures  

This is a PG movie. It has the following profanity in it: 4 uses of "ass" 1 use of "dammit" ''4 uses of s**t'' '' 5 hells '' and 10 uses of oh my god.  I will be sending home a note.  I told the kids that parents might not agree to us watching this.  I am ok with that and so are the kids.  If you do not want your child to watch this video please let me know ASAP.  Email is fine and no one will be outed for being the one to "ruin" it for everyone else.  All but 3 kids wanted to see this movie.  Please let me know what your desire is. 

A reminder about the upcoming events in our classroom.

Tuesday 5/3 Last Art Class for the year
Wednesday 5/4 Honors Choir Tour If your child is not in Honors Choir they will be staying at school
Friday 5/6 Picnic at the Frank house and Kick Ball with Book Buddies.  We will walk over to the Frank's house right after specials.  We will picnic there and play a few games.  We will head back to the school around 1.  We will then play kick ball with our book buddies at 3:00.
Friday 5/13 Gaming Party The students may bring electronic games or board/card games to play.  I will lock all gameboys ect in my cabinet when they are not being used.  Please remind your child that games should be rated E for everyone for them to play at school.  I will be bringing in my Wii and several group games that they can play.
5/16-5/18- Pet Show and Tell I will schedule when parents can bring in pets for the kids to share.  Be watching
5/19 Movie Party/Last Day of school. We will be dissmissed at noon.  We will watch our movie and clean out lockers and our classroom.  We will also be signing yearbooks this day.  If you want your child to have a shirt signed please provide the shirt and the sharpie.  Without written consent from parents I will not be allowing students to write on each others clothes.