Thursday, May 19, 2011

The last day....

Today was bitter sweet. There were tears, laughs and even chocolate chip pancakes.

As I look back at this year I do nothing but smile. Each and everyone of my students felt like my own child. They have grown and matured so much.

I think back to one of my students starting the year so quiet and shy. Today she was laughing and giggling and having a great time.

A couple of others were so frustrated with math that they would be in tears. Last week they came up to me and showed me how they had done it on their own.

My rough and tumble boys that would bicker and fight gave me a challenge, but they always stuck up for each other on the playground.

I will never forget my two that were stuck together the first month of school because they couldn't get along.  Though the last few days of school they were back to bickering, they actually enjoyed each others company most of the year.

Then there was my "the answer is ninja!" As he struck a pose. That will always make me laugh.

This group is so dear to my heart. They have been a joy to get to know. Not only have the kids been great, but I have amazing parents this year. Thank you for all of your help both at  home with your child and at school with me.

I hope everyone's summer is marvelous and on the bright side I will have some of you again next year!  Love you all!

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